Haitian Students Don’t Want to Leave High School Bible Class
Please partner with us as we continually teach the Bible to 4,000+ eager public high school students. Real-life Stories Giving Reasons WHY THEY DON’T WANT TO LEAVE their Bible Class From MacKentoch’s heart: “I attend Interfamilia High School in Jacmel, Haiti. I’ve heard about Christianity, but I never embraced it. I always thought it was […]
Teacher, Why Are You Talking About My Personal Issues In Front Of The Entire Class?
Testimony of Francique Guyto A Day at Pechinat Public High School, Jacmel, Haiti February 2020 Thursdays Are His Favorite School Day It was a normal school week for Francique Guyto, a Haitian young man in the 12th grade. His daily academic classes were challenging and demanding as he applied himself to learn each concept in […]
The lock-down has been officially lifted by the Haitian government. The “new normal” life in Haiti is wearing of masks and social distancing. More stringent cleanliness and hand washing habits are top of mind, as well. The marketplaces and all shopping are back to normal hours, allowing people the ability to buy, sell, trade and barter […]
Who Would’a Thunk
…That even though the Covid-19 lockdown separated CIDM’s Haitian staff from teaching Bible to the Haitian youth in person… …Amazingly, we have reached more youth than ever before with the hope of Jesus and biblical truths! HOW? By going digital! Our Haitian staff are now creating a weekly worship and bible teaching video and posting […]
26,261 Meals Thanks to your generosity, CIDM has been able to respond to the food crisis caused by COVID-19. Your donations have provided 26,261 meals to the most vulnerable. $1 provides 3 Haitians with a meal. Help us provide more meals by donating Online Here or by Check Here. COVID-19 has caused severe food inaccessibility and rapid rising inflation in Haiti. […]
COVID-19 In Haiti Update #4
He Practices What He Preaches COVID-19 CONTINUES IN HAITI with more cases of infection daily. To date there are over 1,000 known cases and 30 known Covid related deaths. People are fearful and in need. A country-wide lock down has caused lack of activity at the essential marketplaces. Along with this challenge, an abnormal inflation rate […]
COVID-19 In Haiti Update #3
19,696 MEALS Covid-19 continues in Haiti with a country-wide lock down affecting the essential marketplaces, now with limited days and hours of operation. Most Haitians rely on the marketplace to sell, buy, trade and barter, providing their food for the day. Because of this and an abnormal inflation rate that has escalated the cost of […]
COVID-19 In Haiti Update #2

How Is COVID-19 Affecting Haiti? As we all pray, watch and wait during this Covid-19 pandemic, Haiti now has 40 confirmed cases and 3 deaths nationwide. Due to the lack of testing available in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, we realize these numbers may be much higher, but this is what’s available. However, […]
COVID-19 In Haiti Update #1
Covid-19 is now in Haiti, being discovered about 1 ½ weeks ago. As of today, 15 cases are reported, with 3 cases in Jacmel! As we all know, Haiti does not have the infrastructure to battle Covid-19 in a successful way. However, we know God is able to keep these precious people safe and healthy. […]
From Sorrow to Hope
Aly Maxime, a young man remembers 10 year ago. He was 15 years old living in a countryside village with his parents and siblings many miles from Jacmel, Haiti. His parents provided food and necessities by farming, selling and trading with other villagers for life sustainability. When the earthquake happened, he was inside of his […]