Public School Bible Teaching
Bible classes and prayer in public high schools???
NOT in the USA, but ABSOLUTELY in Haiti through CIDM.
God has provided us with unique opportunities to teach the Bible as required curriculum in the public high schools. Currently, our 5 qualified bible teachers, Brisso, Jean Carlo, Jonil, Hondy and Noe teach at 20 public high schools every week, reaching over 4,500 students with the gospel and biblical life principles. This is not a voluntary class, but mandatory, and part of the students’ weekly schedule. Class activities include bible study (currently teaching the Gospel of John), bible memorization, Q&A, prayer, fun bible drills and even exams. Regularly, students accept Christ right in their classroom and are further discipled by attending our New Life Discipleship bible study. From bondage to freedom, high school students are finding truth and hope in Jesus Christ.
The students’ changed behavior is causing more Principals to invite us to teach in their schools, even in other cities. The possibilities are endless, as God continues to open doors for us to teach His Word to high school students throughout the entire country!
Sponsor a teacher
To expand the teaching ministry to more schools we need to hire more Bible teachers. Please support a teacher’s salary for a week at $100 or a full month at $400.

Provide Book of John as School Textbook
CIDM provides a Book of John in French for every high school student we teach. “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…” Hebrews 4:12 Each book of John is only $1. Provide 10 for $10 or 50 for $50.