
Bible Quiz: Can You Keep Up With Our Haitian Students?

Scroll down to bottom to see how well YOU answer a few of the bible quiz questions


In January, our bible teachers taught the book of Genesis in 20 public high schools in Haiti. Then, in February and March, we had the exciting opportunity to host a bible quiz competition for our Haitian students from all of these schools where our staff currently teach.

“Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee”  Psalm 119:11

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”  II Timothy 2:15

“So  shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”  Isaiah 55:11



We knew this competition would be a great way to help students review what they had learned and also experience a fun and rewarding environment to study God’s word.



Each high school nominated two students to form a team, and each Saturday throughout February and March, the teams gathered at our Lavi Reyel bible club to compete in the bible contest. From the beginning of the competition, 40 students studied to learn the 150 Bible questions from the book of Genesis.  Two school  teams were eliminated each week until the final week until the final week on March 30, 2024.


Furthermore, we saw up to 250 students showing up each Saturday to support their teams. It was beautiful to see so many Haitian youth experiencing our Lavi Reyel bible club for the first time and studying God’s word.


Here’s what one of our bible teachers, Noe, had to share about the successful event: “It seems that the students were very enthusiastic after the bible contest! It’s wonderful to see that they enjoyed the event and were able to share their experience with their classmates…The students had fun learning about the book of Genesis, and we noticed that they learned a lot.”   

Noe also shared how appreciative the school administration was of CIDM and the bible quiz competition. We’re so thankful that God continues to open doors for us in the Haitian public school system!


On the final Saturday of the competition, the top ranked teams received cash prizes, commemorative plaques and certificates.  The top-ranked teams received cash prizes, commemorative plaques, and certificates.  The first place winners are on the left with yellow/green and the second place winners are on the right with white/blue.  CIDM Bible teacher, Noe, in center.


This same day, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of our Lavi Reyel bible club.  We gave out special tee-shirts to every student who attended.  This was such a special way to honor the 10th Anniversary of Lavi Reyel and bring joy to the students.  The very first Lavi Reyel bible club was March 2014 – until now – March 2024.


This successful event was a huge step toward reaching more Haitian youth with the good news of Jesus and continuing to build our relationship with the public school administration. Thank you so much for being a part of supporting CIDM—events like these wouldn’t be possible without your donations and support.

As we prepare to create special events and opportunities like this one for the next generation of Haitian youth, we invite you to give today!

Donate Here

Try to answer these quiz questions from the competition:

1. True or False: The Lord appeared to Abram on his birthday.

  1. How many days did it rain during the Great Flood?
  2. According to Genesis Chapter 23, how many camels did Abraham’s servant take for the journey?
  3.  Who was Joseph’s father?
  4. What animal came to tempt Eve in the garden?

How did you do? Check the answer key below and see!
Answer Key

  1.  True
  2. Forty days and forty nights
  3. 10 camels
  4. Jacob
  5. A snake