
Meet Our Newest Bible Teacher, Josue Joseph


We are thrilled to introduce you to the newest member of our CIDM family, Josue Joseph, who joined us as a bible teacher in January 2024. Josue’s faith journey is a testament to faith, perseverance, and the transformative power of God’s love.

Josue was born on November 4, 1993, in Jacmel. Raised in a Christian family, he accepted Christ into his life at the age of 16 at the Church of “God in Jesus Christ.” This pivotal moment set the course for his spiritual journey, leading him to eventually serve as a deacon in the same church where his faith was ignited.

Josue recalls the dramatic change in his life that occurred after his conversation. Though he had been a rebellious and jealous child, he experienced an extraordinary transformation where his desires completely shifted. His parents and former friends have witnessed this change, affirming the powerful work of God in his life!

When asked about his favorite Bible verse, Josue immediately points to John 3:16. He explains that this verse encapsulates God’s unconditional love, a love that has transformed his life and continues to inspire him every day.

Josue is married with one son. His wife, who also has a heart for ministry, sings in a women’s group and is actively involved in their church’s children’s ministry. She also used to sing on the worship team at Lavi Reyel—our bible club where Josue also served!

Josue shares that his journey with this bible teacher position at CIDM began with a profound act of faith. He spent three days fasting before God, seeking guidance and assurance leading up to the interview. He thanks God for the opportunity to be a part of our staff, and to have the means to provide for his family with his full-time work.

As a father and teacher who loves God’s Word, Josue’s heart is dedicated to seeing students’ lives transformed by Christ’s love. We know he will make a significant impact!

Because of your generosity, we’re able to bring bible teachers like Josue onto our team at CIDM. Thank you so much for your support, and please join us in welcoming Josue to the CIDM family!