Why is this time of worship and community significant this Wednesday afternoon on October 16, 2019 in Jacmel Haiti?…Because it’s like a war-zone just outside the building. The nation of Haiti is gripped by violent protests to oust the current President due to government corruption, embezzlement of public funds (Petrocaribe funds) and rising inflation.
Although we’re not being informed of this issue in our US mainstream news, demonstrations across the nation have roads blocked, fires burning in the streets, violent rock-throwing and at times shootings. Schools and banks are closed. Extreme shortages of fuel, electricity and food are crippling the already difficult normal life. A stench of evil and restlessness is in the air as shouts of revolution can be heard throughout the city.
If you’d like to learn more about what’s fueling the protests check out this edition of Inside Story, produced by Aljazeera. It’s about 25-minutes in length but it’s definitely worth the watch.
Our CIDM Haitian staff are present in the office and with the youth, as much as they are able to safely do. Often the evening ministry activities are cancelled due to violence.
Most importantly, as the youth of Jacmel are unsure of what each day will bring, they are finding God’s peace and rest while gathering at our CIDM facility with our staff. There is no school, so they come to a safe place, trusting and holding onto God to bring peace and safety once again. This is real faith. This is real rest. This is real life in Haiti only found through Jesus Christ. Daily, our staff is meeting with the youth having bible studies and facilitating times of encouragement in God’s promises and precious times of worship. The youth share their frustrations and fears with the group of friends, yet hold onto the safe place of abiding in Christ Jesus and His care. If you’d like to partner with CIDM with general funding in encouraging and teaching these youth in Jesus Christ, you may give any amount HERE.
In this time of conflict, we reflect on the blessing and importance of having a leased facility as a place of refuge for the Haitian youth to physically come to. Here in this facility they learn what it looks like to be a Christ-follower. They see God dramatically changing their life story and the stories of their fellow believers. Because of your generous donations, we’ve been able to lease this facility for the past two years.
Our leased facility consists of two units. One is an upstairs “Upper Room” which is our staff’s office and a meeting room. Below on the street level is our “Warehouse of Worship” which is one large warehouse room that’s been transformed into a Holy-Spirit-filled-room of worship and biblical teaching throughout the week, especially for our largest weekly gathering, Lavi Reyel every Saturday afternoon. Our lease includes electricity provided by the landlord’s large generator. Especially during these times when most people are greatly suffering from lack of electricity, we are thankful we can provide electricity to charge cell phones, computer batteries and much more. We’re so thankful our Upper Room and Warehouse of Worship are a beacon of light and place of refuge to the Haitian youth. They know they can come there and find love, joy, community, encouragement and biblical answers to their questions. If you’d like to partner with us specifically, helping provide for our lease, please donate HERE and specify with an online notation or note on check that it is for the lease.
We are staying in close communication with our CIDM staff, making sure they, their families and the youth in our programs are safe. Please know that CIDM remains committed to its mission and ministry in Haiti. Please pray for Haiti! This is our most earnest request! God is ruler of all. Pray that God would take what the enemy meant for evil and that He would turn it for good. Pray for peace, safety and prosperity for all of Haiti. Pray that the government would be led by biblical principles.