CIDM finished the month of July with our 2nd annual Summer Camp. Activities included worship, prayer, bible studies, games, fellowship, lunch, vocational and life skills and fun from 9am to 4pm for 5 consecutive days. Every day over 100 youth attended.
Many Youth Freed From Demonic Possession
More important than skills or fun, God was there and did an incredible work displaying His glorious power to all. He displayed that He is King over satan, freeing many youth from demonic possession.
A few words about demon possession in Haiti…
As you know, satan is working throughout the world, finding non-christians to use for his evil. We see it in the Bible, and we see it manifest in many ways in life today. This powerful and sensitive subject causes fear for many. However, the Bible teaches that if we wholeheartedly have Jesus Christ in our lives, we can confidently know demons cannot enter in or possess us. “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” I John 4:4
Haiti’s a raw country that for centuries has worshipped satan through voodoo. Generational practices and traditions have exposed innocent youth to satan’s evil, and demons sometimes enter them because of their satanic exposure and absence of Jesus Christ in their lives.
At CIDM, we speak the words of the Bible into the Haitian youth through worship and teaching. The demons can’t handle the name of Jesus Christ proclaimed, and so they cause an upheaval within the youth, resulting in a need for individual prayer from our trained Haitian staff. Praise God that through the blood of Jesus Christ and by His name, demons must flee, and they do! After the youth have been set free of the demonic possession, they accept Jesus Christ and fill that void with the Holy Spirit.
Youth Taught Practical Skills and Training at the Day Camp

We hired professionals to teach useful skills which can produce sustainable income for the youth. They learned how to make flip flop sandals, bracelets, necklaces and hair ties. We had cooking classes teaching how to use the fruits that grow prolifically on the island such as mangos, avocados and passion fruit into sellable items like delicious jellies, juices, salads, and more.

Other professionals we hired shared their knowledge in practical education that is vital for the youth to understand. There was a financial education class, in which they learned how to properly manage their money, establishing savings, budgets and more. Other classes included the topics of CPR and first-aid.
A sex education class was taught by a trusted teacher in which she specifically taught about the threats of STD’s and about abstinence until marriage

Thank you for your generous support to CIDM so we can fully fund activities such as these. We praise God we were able to teach and equip the youth spiritually and practically. We are thankful for the facility we lease that gives us a place to host numerous activities each month.