New Life In A Day

CIDM recently sponsored our annual Day of Discipleship event. Because you faithfully give, we treated over 320 eager Haitian youth and young adults to a jam-packed day of worship, biblical teaching, games, swimming, fellowship, food, fun, testimonies, skits and round-trip bus transportation. Breakfast and lunch were served (they enjoyed more food during these 2 meals than they normally eat in an entire day!). All received a Lavi Reyel (New Life Discipleship in English) t-shirt displaying belonging and unity.
Normally, this anticipated day is a reward for those who have been faithfully attending Lavi Reyel on a weekly basis. However, this year our staff decided to invite 140 students who’d never attended Lavi Reyel, but were part of the public schools where we teach the Bible. Our staff’s heart was to invite them to this special day as an outreach because they’ve shown great interest in spiritual things during class time. The Day of Discipleship had a huge impact on these students and several of them even accepted the Lord into their hearts that day!
We thank the Lord that 16 youth went forward to accept Jesus Christ and 7 youth were set free from demonic activity. All in all, every person who attended was touched by the events of the day and drew closer to God. Hearts were encouraged, spiritual truths were taught, new friendships were made, and each life was connected more intimately with their Savior, Jesus Christ.

Many of our youth come from voodoo-practicing homes, which is typical in the Haitian culture. Because of this, most of the youth have encountered demonic activity before being set free and accepting Christ. Praise God that seven youth were set free from Satan’s demonic hold and as our CIDM staff prayed through with each one casting out demonic spirits, they immediately asked Jesus to reside in their hearts, replacing anguish with the peace and joy only found in Jesus. Now, these students are able to experience the love, freedom, and peace that comes with knowing and following Jesus. Many of these youth who met Christ that day were our guests from the schools. Praise God for this outreach.

Please be praying for these youth as they are being persecuted by their families for breaking free of Satan’s evil hold. Please pray for them as they courageously stand up for the Lord and He radically transforms and uses them to share their victorious testimonies with their families and friends.
Even in the complexity of extreme need, these young people are forever appreciative for the joyful spiritual journey they live out with Jesus in their lives. Hope, rescue, strength, peace, contentment, provision, community, freedom, dignity are theirs now through the love of Christ Jesus Thank you for supporting CIDM! We could not have done this event without your generous support and prayers! Thank you for supporting the ministry and for investing in the lives of the Haitian youth. On behalf of CIDM, we say “Merci!”