Rosemarie’s Back Story: The last week of October, Rosemarie was listening to Hosanna Radio and unexpectantly heard CIDM’s radio program, Real Life Awakening. While listening to the worship, prayer and teaching on the program, she understood there was much more to being a Christian than going to church every Sunday and forgetting about God until the next Sunday. She heard that Jesus came to save her from her sins but also that He desires a personal relationship with her on a daily basis. She realized that she was living a religion, not a relationship with Jesus Christ.
She attended our next New Life bible club, which was our Revival Week held the last week of every October. The world and Haiti honor satan through the rituals of Halloween and Day of the Dead, but we honor God through praise, prayer and Bible teaching that week. She recommitted her life to the Lord and God touched her with a healing that week. You saw the joy in her face as she is now experiencing God with passion and depth.
While there, she saw Eliezere and realized THIS was the bible club he had been inviting her to for years! Now she understood why he kept suggesting she attend. Rosemarie is inviting her friends to the bible club and to listen to the radio program. It changed her life, it will change theirs too!
Fine’s (pronounced Feen) Story

Fine recently shared with us that she’s been listening to CIDM’s radio program from her home in Port-au-Prince and the significance of the program in her life.
Fine grew up and attended school in Jacmel, Haiti where our CIDM headquarters are. In October 2014 CIDM and a youth mission team from Calvary Chapel Chino Hills held an all-school-assembly outreach at her school. It was there that this middle school-student heard about God’s love and that He wanted to have a personal relationship with her. She prayed with us and accepted Christ that day.

A couple years later, her parents determined she was old enough to be in town unsupervised on Saturday afternoons, and so she could begin attending our New Life bible club.
Fine’s heart soared as she was led through the worship, prayer biblical teaching and fellowship every Saturday at the bible club. She eagerly participated in the many activities CIDM sponsors throughout the year which continued to strengthen her walk with the Lord. Fine’s family, friends and church leaders noticed a sweet change in her heart and actions, so much so, that she was invited to serve on a youth leadership team at her church.
In 2018, Fine graduated from high school and had an opportunity to study at a university in Port-au-Prince. She was thankful for this opportunity, yet heartbroken to leave the bible club.
Presently, Fine is doing well in Port-au-Prince with her studies, but has missed the bible club immensely. She follows the bible club’s Facebook page, in which she excitedly read that CIDM is now on the radio. Now she eagerly listens and watches (on Facebook Live) the program each week.
Fine shares with us:
“God’s been so good to me. Even though I miss New Life bible club, I realize that God is giving it back to me through the radio, Facebook Live and the YouTube videos. Listening and watching the radio, I finds joy, comfort, spiritual renewal, and I feels like I’m at home with all my Christian friends. I’m continuing to learn God’s plan for my life and understand the Bible.”
Word-of-mouth and personal experience are the best way to share with others. That is exactly what Fine is doing, as she passionately invites friends and classmates in Port-au-Prince to listen to CIDM’s radio program.
Fine’s Back Story:
In planning for this newsletter/blog, we asked our Haitian staff to gather a couple stories of how peoples’ lives had been changed from listening to our new radio program. Last week Brisso just “happened” (we all know it was a divine appointment) to see Fine in downtown Jacmel, as she “just happened” to be visiting family that week. She burst with excitement when she saw him, sharing how impactful the radio program had been to her in Port-au-Prince and thanked CIDM for providing it so she could grow in the Lord.