Please partner with us as we continually teach the Bible to 4,000+ eager public high school students.
Real-life Stories Giving Reasons

From MacKentoch’s heart:
“I attend Interfamilia High School in Jacmel, Haiti. I’ve heard about Christianity, but I never embraced it. I always thought it was just for older people, not for young people like me. I wanted to have fun while young, and I was sure I couldn’t have fun being a Christian. Another reason I was never interested is because I’d never heard the gospel and the Bible explained easily and clearly. It seemed like a lot of rules that I didn’t want. Since I’ve been attending the Bible Class at my school, I feel like my mind have been opened and I can now understand. Mr. Brisso, my Bible teacher explains the truths of the Bible very simply, plainly and in a way I can apply it to my everyday life.
One day after Bible Class I asked Mr Brisso if we could sit down and talk. We did, he answered all my questions, and he led me through a prayer in which I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and I invited Him into my life.
I wanted to learn more in my new journey with God, so I began attending Lavi Reyel Club (CIDM’s New Life Discipleship Club) every Saturday. I received my own Bible and I’m learning more about God and how to include Him into every part of my life. I’ve even met lots of new friends who are Christians too, and we are learning, growing and having fun together.
I am so happy that I have a Bible Class at school because it is there that my life has been changed.”
From Naicka’s heart:
“I really like the Bible Class this year at my school because I have learned so much. I’ve especially learned how to deal with everyday situations in my life like lust and fornication (sex before marriage). From the study this year, I have learned how to live a pure life in God. I praise God for the Bible class at my school.”

From Duckens’ heart:
“I am thankful for the Bible Class at my school because it keeps me connected to God. After attending church on Sundays, I look forward to another day during the week to read my Bible, to learn about God and my relationship with Him. In this class, I’ve learned bible truths and verses to help keep me out of bad influences from the world. The Bible strengthens me to resist temptation. I really wish the bible class were more than once a week so that I could learn more.”