Summer Day Camp Through Jean Carlo’s Eyes

“I bless the name of the Lord for a wonderful week. the Lord has done extraordinary things in our midst, things that we would never have hoped for, but He has made them. All Glory to God. He powerfully manifested his power in the midst of Lavi Reyel. God broke many chains and He gave freedom. The Lord gave us visions to confirm His presence among us. An unforgettable moment, was when the light of God was shining, through the visions that God allowed, we saw it. It was a great spiritual experience that required a lot of energy, but God kept us firm and strong during this week.
The young people have received many beautiful trainings that will be useful for them in the future. We have been blessed and we have learned a lot of things that will help us move forward. All glory be to God.”
Jean Carlo
Summer Day Camp Through Delpha’s Eyes

“Since 2018 CIDM has taken the initiative to set up a week of summer camp for the youth who attend Lavi Reyel (New Discipleship bible club). This summer we did it again, from Jul. 22nd to 26th the event took hold.
We always began each day with a worship and prayer time. It was amazing to see how powerfully God used these times. Many people saw visions during our times of worship. One of the young men saw a bright light shining in the room in the present moment as he was worshiping the Lord. The demons couldn’t remain in the place. Several girls were possessed by unclean spirits. By the grace of our powerful God we cast out the unclean spirits in the powerful name of Jesus and He set the girls free.
After being set free, the girls sat in our office and I looked at them with a heart full of compassion. I saw them each as an important life who had found refuge and were now enjoying God’s peace after having been rescued by the Lord Jesus Himself. Then God spoke clearly to my heart and said: “I am truly using CIDM to be a refuge for the Haitian youth”.
In that moment, I understood even more what a privilege it is for me to be a part of this great ministry. As we CIDM staff share with one another: “we ought never to be proud. Just to always be humble so the Lord can use us. Who are we but mere men?”
Everyone that has the opportunity to support this ministry in any way, please do. … It’s a privilege to serve, this is a wonderful ministry.
Please, we need your prayers. With God we can. All the glory to Him.”
Summer Day Camp through Jonil’s Eyes

“The CIDM summer camp for the Lavi Reyel group (club) was a huge success this Summer. It provided a space for the young people to spend moments of intimacy with God in the adorations, the prayers and the study of the word of God. It was also successful in opportunities for the youth to weave the greatest bonds of friendship, to stock a lot of technical knowledge which can allow them to make money and it helped them build their personalities and characters through training.
What attracted me the most this year is the active power of God who blessed us with His presence by revealing and delivering so many young people from the horrible bonds of satan, the devil. It actually confirms that CIDM is a sacred ministry which God has entrusted to us. It also tells us that our work within this organization is approved by the Lord and that we are on the right track.
The Lord always gives us victory in our struggles against the evil one for the deliverance of our young.”
Jonil Noel Fils