
Day of Discipleship

CIDM recently sponsored our annual Day of Discipleship event. Because you freely and generously give, we treated over 300 eager Haitian youth and young adults to a jam-packed day of worship, biblical teaching, games, swimming, fellowship, food, fun, testimonies, skits and round-trip bus transportation (can you hear their laughter and singing on the 30 minute bus ride?).

Breakfast and lunch were served (they enjoyed more food during these 2 meals than they normally eat in an entire day!). All received a New Life Discipleship (Lavi Reyel in Creole) t-shirt displaying belonging and unity. Hearts were encouraged, spiritual truths were taught, new friendships were made, and each life connected more intimately with their Savior, Jesus Christ.

Even in the complexity of extreme need, these young people are forever appreciative for the joyful spiritual journey they live out with Jesus in their lives. Hope, rescue, strength, peace, contentment, provision, community, freedom, dignity are theirs now through the love of Christ Jesus.

A large amount of these youth grew up in a voodoo practicing home (typical for Haitians). Being tormented by the evil, lies and emptiness, they’ve broken the chains of spiritual bondage and they’re now experiencing the redeeming love and peace in Jesus Christ. However, these youth are being persecuted by their families for breaking free of satans evil hold. Please pray for them as they courageously stand up for the Lord and He radically transforms and uses them to share their victorious testimonies with their families and friends. Shouts of “Merci” thanks to you, our partners, could be heard that day as they gratefully received the gift of this much anticipated annual day event. Thank you for playing a part in their life stories.