He Practices What He Preaches
COVID-19 CONTINUES IN HAITI with more cases of infection daily. To date there are over 1,000 known cases and 30 known Covid related deaths. People are fearful and in need. A country-wide lock down has caused lack of activity at the essential marketplaces. Along with this challenge, an abnormal inflation rate that has escalated the cost of food, and a drought, starvation is a reality among countless Haitians.
CIDM is responding by providing 19,686 meals to those most affected within our reach. Every $1 given feeds 3 meals to Haitians. Winston is one of hundreds of people we’ve been able to bless with food. Here’s his story that inspired our hearts and trust it will touch yours too…
A Little Background About Winston
Winston is one our treasured former construction workers who benefited from the CIDM Learn and Earn Program which existed while we (Dave & Darlys) lived in Haiti from 2010 to 2015.

Learning construction skills was certainly a resource Winston would use throughout his life, but we saw a greater calling on this young man’s life. His passion for Jesus Christ and knowledge of the Bible was obvious as he became our “chaplain” at our construction lunch time bible studies. We’d often see him counseling and sharing God’s truths one-on-one with fellow workers during break times. We and he knew God would one day call him to become a Pastor. In 2014 we attended and participated in Winston’s wedding (in which both he and his bride had remained pure, decisive against the typical loose sexual culture) and now have a beautiful family with two young sons.

Shortly after his wedding, Winston was asked to be the senior Pastor at a bible-believing church. He thanks God for calling him to shepherd the people in his village. Winston is living his passion as he teaches God’s word, yet lives by faith as his income is meager.
In 2015 after our move back to California and the construction ministry of CIDM ceased, CIDM gifted our no longer needed workshop building to Winston’s church as their own church building. Piece by piece it was carefully taken down from our front yard, transported over an hour’s drive and layer upon layer, piece upon piece transformed into a vibrant church of worship and biblical teaching.

He Practices What He Preaches
Recently Winston was a recipient of the food CIDM’s been able to purchase and give, thanks to your generosity. He stopped to see a sick neighbor on his way home from the distribution. After realizing his neighbor’s dire need for nourishment, Winston gave him most of the food he’d just received. Even though Winston and his family were in need, he willingly shared with someone in more need. What a beautiful picture of compassion, generosity and trust in Jesus. “It is more blessed to give than to receive” Acts 20:35
And His Story Continues…
After returning to his village Winston requested CIDM provide food for four more hungry families in his desolate village. Knowing the integrity of Winston and that he’d just shared most of his food with a neighbor in need, we prayed and sensed God instructing us to bless not only the four families, but 60 families who are suffering from the marketplace limitations and current drought in their area. Days later our CIDM staff rented and loaded a truck to share the food you’ve provided with the precious families in this village. Winston was able to receive more food for his family, as well. There’s much we want to learn from Winston’s compassion, generosity and ultimate trust in God’s provision. “The person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed. He will be like a tree planted by water. It sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn’t fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
Friends, when you partner with CIDM, God accomplishes more than we could ask or think in meeting far reaching needs of the Haitian people. God fulfills the needs we don’t even know about through other faithful Haitians hearing God’s voice.