Bible Quiz: Can You Keep Up With Our Haitian Students?

Scroll down to bottom to see how well YOU answer a few of the bible quiz questions   In January, our bible teachers taught the book of Genesis in 20 public high schools in Haiti. Then, in February and March, we had the exciting opportunity to host a bible quiz competition for our Haitian students […]

A Voice of Hope Amidst Crisis

Amidst the reality of so much darkness and despair in Haiti, there shines a beautiful story of a girl named Sophia. She is on our Lavi Reyel worship team, and at just 21 years old, she is a beautiful example of a young person spreading God’s message of love and hope through her gift of […]

New Life In A Day

CIDM recently sponsored our annual Day of Discipleship event. Because you faithfully give, we treated over 320 eager Haitian youth and young adults to a jam-packed day of worship, biblical teaching, games, swimming, fellowship, food, fun, testimonies, skits and round-trip bus transportation. Breakfast and lunch were served (they enjoyed more food during these 2 meals […]

Day of Discipleship

CIDM recently sponsored our annual Day of Discipleship event. Because you freely and generously give, we treated over 300 eager Haitian youth and young adults to a jam-packed day of worship, biblical teaching, games, swimming, fellowship, food, fun, testimonies, skits and round-trip bus transportation (can you hear their laughter and singing on the 30 minute […]