Delpha Pierre Louis
Field Director
Delpha skillfully manages CIDM staff and daily logistics carrying out the mission and vision of the ministry. He’s a university graduate with a law degree and teaching credentials. His capability, integrity and heart for God make him a true man of valor.
Brisso Jean Doriscan
Teaching Director
Brisso is the director and teacher of the New Life Discipleship bible study and public high school teaching program. He is a man after God’s own heart, using his biblical knowledge and gift of teaching to share God’s truths with the spiritually-hungry youth of Jacmel.
Jean Carlo Lacaus
Bible Teacher & Worship Leader
Jean Carlo is a dynamic bible teacher in our public high school teaching program and the worship leader at New Life Discipleship bible study. His love for the Haitian youth is evident as he uses his natural gifts to proclaim Christ, teach the Bible and lead all in worship of Jesus Christ. He’s a humble and wise servant with a deep walk with God.
Noe Andre
Bible Teacher
Noe is a bible teacher in our public high school teaching program. As an energetic young man, the high school students relate easily to him and intently listen as he teaches and shares God’s truths from his heart. Noe is an accomplished musician, playing the saxophone, and leading the choir at his church. He joyfully shares his gifts of teaching and music with the youth, as part of our CIDM team.
Hondy Jolicoeur
Bible Teacher
Hondy is a dedicated bible teacher in our public high school teaching program with an excellent education from a 4-year bible seminary. Hondy is “one of our own”, as for years he faithfully volunteered as a leader in CIDM’s New Life Discipleship bible study. With skills in piano and worship, and a passion for teaching Haitian youth, Hondy easily relates to the students’ challenges and leads them to the scriptures for answers and strength.
Josue Joseph
Bible Teacher
Josue is a gifted bible teacher in our public high school teaching program. Having 4 years of seminary education, he is well qualified to live and teach God’s Word to the Haitian youth. Josue began attending our New Life Discipleship bible study in 2022, which ignited his passion to teach and serve the next generation. Josue is a dedicated husband and father, a talented piano player, and a humble man of God. Josue also serves as a deacon at the church where he first accepted Christ. We value having Josue on our CIDM team.
Maxime Aly
Community Life Coordinator
Maxime maintains a personal connection with the youth who attend our New Discipleship bible study. In 2014 he accepted Christ at an outreach CIDM held at his high school. We have watched God transform him from a timid new believer to a passionate man of God. As a recent graduate from high school with numerous giftings, he has an immense ability to relate with our students in the challenges they face daily.